Title: One Is Not Enough Pairing: Baekhyun/Kyungsoo/Kai Genre: smut Rating: nc-17 Length: 2.6k Summary: Jongin and Baekhyun might not want Kyungsoo to have two boyfriends, but at least he has two holes.
Title: Light Filtration Pairing: Kai/Kyungsoo Genre: fluff, smut Rating: nc-17 Length: 1.5k Summary: Because the way the sun threats through dark strands is worth waking up early for.
Title: Shota Pairing: Kai/Kyungsoo Genre: fluff, smut Rating: nc-17 Warnings: incest, pedophilia, age switch Length: 3.8k Summary: Soft skin and small hands are too hard to resist.
Title: The Stars Shine For Us Pairing: Kai/Kyungsoo Genre: romance, tragedy, smut, titanic!au Rating: nc-17 Length: 7k Summary: (Falling in love is kind of like falling off a boat.)